New accommodation facility registration
After you fill in this form you can have your own presentation in our database. Read following terms and condition first, please. For further information go to about us
page (opens in new browser window).
Choose your user name and password. User name is at least 4 characters long, only alphanumeric characters, period, hyphen and underscore. Password is at least 6 characters and not similar to username.
Terms and conditions:
- In case the owner or keeper of the accommodation facility uses only FREE contract, he/she doesn't commit to anything, his/her presentation will be deleted on demand. In case of changing to STANDARD or PROFI contract, he/she agrees with paying the fee according to prices that are published at our webpage.
- By the registration you agree that we will use your personal data for database operation. Data you provide will not be given to another persons.
- By the registration you agree that we can contact you in order to provide you information about new changes in our database or your presentation. Generally we send e-mails only, and they won't be sent more often than once in two months.