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Modrá kotva

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Accommodation in Mrákotín

Person to contact:  Plavec Ladislav
Address:  U hřbitova 274
588 54
Phone:  567 317 537
E-mail:  Accommodation in Mrákotín - Modrá kotva
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Price person/night:  0 EUR

Guest-house/Lodging-house in Mrákotín

Foto - Accommodation in Mrákotín - Modrá kotva
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Automatic Translation:

Brick building with capacity 55 beds, grande paled garden, clear of-barrier access, volleyball playground, sands for smallest.

Common facilities  common bathroom, common WC, common shower, common kitchenette, common TV, outdoor sitting, fireplace, common room, barrier-less access
Boarding type  Czech cuisine
Transport  car park near-hand, entrance for busses
Sports  nature bathing near-hand, tennis, ping-pong, ball games court, hiking, bicycle trips, skiing (on tracks), ski-tow, cycle depository
Other services  video lending
Possibilities for children  outdoor playground

Local weather forecast

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