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Na Vyhlídce

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Accommodation in Strážné

Person to contact:  Alena Havlová
Address:  num. 195
Phone:  499434118
Fax:  499434118
E-mail:  Accommodation in Strážné - Na Vyhlídce
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Price person/night:  0 EUR

Pension in Strážné

Foto - Accommodation in Strážné - Na Vyhlídce
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Automatic Translation:

Dining room serve as socially room. [photo]

Bedroom downstairs object are gamma triple-bed catalytic converter room. In 1. storey is one triluzkovy and one four - sick - bed room. In 2. storey are two triple-bed catalytic converter and one double room. In 2. storey is common coffee - grounds. arrangement for one double - bedded and one triluzkovy room. Other room have personal settlement. In some rooms it is possible use also additional bed.

To gourmets during stay it is possible order and toasted bread chickens or grilled paste. To bigger insider then toasted bread sucking pig or lambs.

In winter period is available 5 skiing drags how for entire beginners, so and for more exacting downhiller and several kilometres sprinter step trass. In near - by Vrchlabi is also ice pool with artificial icy flat. In 18 km distant Jilemnici is then covered swimming pool. In summer obdodbi it is possible except walking tourist trass use and two tennis courts and playground on fives. In Vrchlabi then public funds bathing establishment. Uncommon experience man pass at sightseeing car years, which above Krkonosemi exercises Vrchlabske airport. To the 500 m from our pensionu find several restaurant, sweetshop and hothouse.
Ride on horseback hippophil surely will please mnoznost ride on this noble animal (c. 500 m from pensionu).

Room facilities  bathroom, WC

Local weather forecast

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