Ubytování v Krušných horách
Pokud hledáte ubytování v Krušných horách, připravili jsme pro Vás zvláštní seznam zařízení nabízejících ubytování v Krušných horách. Níže vidíte seznam ubytování všech typů které se nacházejí v Krušných horách.
Mapa Krušných hor | Kliknutím na tento odkaz si můžete zobrazit mapu posunutou na Krušné hory, kde si jistě vyberete ubytování, jež Vám bude vyhovovat. |
49 accommodation facilities found.
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Price from: 0 EUR |
Price from: 0 EUR Restaurant - Czech cuisine, grilled in the garden, dinner form rautu. At a restaurant and closet interlock banquet for 15 - 50 persons behind favourable awards. Wedding menu single - dinner (hors-d' o... |
Price from: 0 EUR Levne housed,room door and diaeresis canaille,available completely equipped kitchen and bathroom. Equipment rooms: 2luzka,case,television,linen Equipment kitchen: stove,coolroom,rychlovarna can,dish... |
Price from: 0 EUR |
Price from: 0 EUR Object finds in cottager municipality slope in handsome environment hard mountains in distance 11 km from agglomeration Chomutov - Jirkov. Is here perfect calm and privacy, environment nice to, availa... |
Price from: 0 EUR Offer accommodation - perennial running inclusive advantageous food. Fit for family recreation, associated tours, schools outdoor. Good possibilities for skier, bezkare, snowbordaky and cykloturistiku... |
Price from: 0 EUR Our house has been built on southeasterly slope in upper outskirts in 30tych years 20. century for main engineer not far off recumbent pit unanimity (already more than 40 years is pit exploited only a... |
Price from: 0 EUR |
Price from: 0 EUR Presently hotel offers accommodation double as far as five sick - bed rooms common social arrangement on hall. In attic then go in for guests ready gamma apartmental. Downstairs mountain cottages find... |
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