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Hotel Tatran

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Accommodation in Praha 6

Person to contact:  Vendula Pokorná
Address:  Sibeliova 368
Praha 6, Střešovice
162 00
Phone:  +420 246 052 436
Fax:  +420286581352
E-mail:  Accommodation in Praha 6 - Hotel Tatran
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Web page:
Price person/night:  0 EUR

Hotel in Praha 6

Foto - Accommodation in Praha 6 - Hotel Tatran
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Accommodation facility description is available only inCzech.

Room facilities  bathroom, WC, phone, TV, warm water
Common facilities  phone, Internet access (Internet Café)
Boarding type  bar
Transport  car park
Sports  tennis, ball games court
Payment  EuroCard - MasterCard, VISA

Local weather forecast

The other nearest possibilities:

Prezentace Accommodation in Praha - Apartment Hela Prague
Apartment Hela Prague

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Penzion Na statku

Prezentace Accommodation in Horní Chrášťany - Ekofarma Horní Chrášťany
Ekofarma Horní Chrášťany
Horní Chrášťany
