Familly Apartments

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Accommodation in Praha 3

Person to contact:  Mareš
Address:  Pod Lipami 16
Praha 3, Jarov
130 00
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Price person/night:  0 EUR

Apartment in Praha 3

Foto - Accommodation in Praha 3 - Familly Apartments
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Automatic Translation:

Bargain - package accommodation in apartmental only 20 minutes from centers Prague
in undisturbed and clean prostredi.Vhodne for families with children, commercial traveller, particular and associated tourism.

Equipment: Two bedroom / 2 and 3 luzka/, completely equipped kitchen inclusive inventories, dining - recess for five persons, TV, SAT, bathroom and wc.

Connection: Z main station by tram c.9 direction Zizkov, arrival station
"hop - garden" - apartmentals c. 200m from stops.

Room facilities  bathroom, WC, TV, SAT
Common facilities  terrace, outdoor sitting

Local weather forecast

The other nearest possibilities:

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Ekofarma Horní Chrášťany
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